Pizza Lunch Program

by admin
Pizza Lunch continues to be a big part of St. Edward’s CSPC’s ongoing fundraising activities to support the school.
Again, for this year, we are offering this program to all students and school staff every other Wednesday throughout the school year.
Cheese and Pepperoni Pizza options are available for $2.00 per slice as well as Nut Free Chocolate & Vanilla Swirl Frozen Yogurt at $1.00 per cup.
Pizza Pizza is our pizza supplier and San Diego Yogurt supplies our yogurt – all selections meet Bill 8 (no added trans fat) and Ontario’s School Food & Beverage Policy (PPM 150).
Pre-order forms are available twice a year, in September and January, and it is crucial that we get each form back, by the stated deadline, fully completed specifying your choices so that we can ensure all students’ needs are met.
Same day sales are available but very limited and not guaranteed.
This is a volunteer run program we are always recruiting for new Pizza Lunch Helpers to distribute the food and supervise the kids in each classroom.
If you have any questions about the Pizza Lunch Program or would like to volunteer to help please contact our Pizza Lunch Lead, Lidia Macchiusi
Thanks again to all of our past, returning and potentially new enthusiastic volunteers, for making Pizza Lunches possible again this year!
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