Volunteer at this year’s Fun Fair!

by admin
St. Edward Catholic School Parent Council is hosting its annual FUN FAIR on Thursday June 9th 2016 from 5:30 pm to 8:30 pm. Below is a list of Fun Fair volunteer opportunities. Please let us know if you are able to help out in any way. This event can only happen if we have enough volunteers. Volunteering is a wonderful way to get to know the school community, meet other parents and have fun too. High school students are welcome and the time spent counts towards your volunteer hours.
- Crafts/Face Painting
- Ticket Sales
- Games
- Inflatable Rides
- Raffle
- Bake Sale
- Popcorn/Cotton Candy
- Set Up Crew
Your help is highly valuable and much appreciated!
To get involved, fill out the form below.
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